How to Update Firmware on DLink Router Dir-615?

D-Link router DIR-615 makes use of driver to establish a connection and allow wireless router hardware to communicate with your computer operating system. So for proper working and functioning, you have to maintain this small software program (Driver) to be crashed or outdated.

Basically maintenance is required to getting performance from your hardware and software. So it is very important to update Firmware on DLink Router Dir-615 on regular or time basis.

Outdated firmware might be a cause to getting slow response and signaling issue, system crash, system error and your computer and hardware failure. If you have installed a wrong DLink Router which is not compatible with current router model then it might increase your problem.

There are so many DLink router Dir-615 users, who do not know about the firmware and update firmware on DLink Router Dir-615. If you are comes in the category, so it is strongly advised you to download DLink router driver manually and install it on computer. One of another solution is DLink Dir-615 driver utility, which download and update the latest DLink router Dir-615 driver version automatically and it also helps you to install the wrong version of your DLink Router Dir-615.

Few steps to update Firmware on DLink Router Dir-615

Update Firmware on DLink Router Dir-615 require some time to perform operation but it does ensure to smooth transition while you are working with IPv6. In order to Update Firmware on DLink Router Dir-615, first you need setup your router and need to connect it with your modem with the help of cable Then you need to login on your router’s web page to perform update operation.

For updating your router, you need to make sure that you should be connected with wire not wireless. If you update firmware router with wireless network, then there might be change to lose connection and update process might be failed.

At the end you can follow the below steps to Update Firmware on DLink Router Dir-615

Step-1: First you need to download the latest firmware version from the official D-Link website. You need to go on website by typing URL to get the latest copy of your software where you need to select the router type. 

Step-2: In this step, you have to change the country from the dropdown list, if it is not selected , You can select ‘united states’ if it is prompted and then you need to click on ‘DIR-615Revb”

Step-3: In this step, you need to click over the “firmware Link” which is shown on the page and download the latest version of firmware. The firmware update file is .zip file. It is request you to memorize the download location

Step-4: In this step, you need to go in download folder of your system and extract all the files from .zip

Step-5: In this step, you need to open your installed browser and go to this web address, which is the default IP address for accessing the web user interface of D-Link router.

Step-6: Then the default password is to display blank, Now you need to click on the login screen 

Step-7: Now you will get router admin web interface home page, where you need to search tool option at admin web interface page. You need to click on tool option

Step-8: After selection of tool option, you will get so many options at the left hand side, which are used to configure your router. You need to find firmware and click on it.

Step-9: You need to click on the “choose file” button on your firmware screen, this will open up window explorer window at your screen

Step-10: You need to go quickly to the exact location of your extracted firmware file and in the extracted file select.bin file.

Step-11: After selection of appropriate .bin file, you have to click on “upload” button to Update Firmware on DLink Router Dir-615. In the next step, you will get two popup comes out which shows the confirmation from the user to proceed in the next step, You need to click on “OK” for both the confirmation popup message.

Step-12: After following above steps, your router firmware update process will begin and this will redirect you on the page where you need to wait for process completion. Once the update process completes, you can access confirmation page and your router will be updated

Confirm to check your IPv6 is enabled on your router

You need to confirm that IPv6 is enabled for your router, if it is not enabled, you need to open URL on your browser and enable IPv6 option.

  • Published by: Moscow
  • Last Update: 07 Jul 2024

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